Which is because beloved has gone over to Sweden to visit her relatives up in the far north for a week, and then to go to the Morrissey gig in Goteborg on the way back here, so I'm all on my own again and I have more free time on my hands and get to use he computer, which she is usually using when were together. God how I miss her and she's only been gone a week!This might be more information than most people would care to read about but my genital area is really itching at the moment after going in hospital the other week and having all my pubes shaved off so they could operate on my groin. The operation went well, if having yourself cut open by strange people with sharp knives and them then putting a big piece of plastic inside you etc can ever be described as 'going well.' Because I have a heart murmur, they couldn't put me to sleep, so I had to be awake for this operation and only have a local anaesthetic injected in my groin so I could still feel them pulling and prodding around in there like they were fitting a new kitchen or something. It wasn't too bad, but not as good as an afternoon spent watching Countdown with a cup of tea and a packet of custard creams. Apart from the first five minutes that is, when I noticed they'd not given me enough anaesthetic. But could they ever have given me enough? Afterwards, I felt like I'd been kicked in the testicles by a horse with hob nail boots on, yet then they gave me some nice pain killers, which were so nice that I just went and got a repeat prescription for them the other day even though I'm not so badly in pain anymore. Other than the general pain of being alive in a fucked-up universe etc, which we all have. So now I take them for that. I took an mp3 player in so I could listen to music, but it was hard to concentrate on it. I wanted to take in a book in but they wouldn't let me. I was reading a good book by Jasper Fforde called
'The Big Over Easy' which I'd recommend to anyone. It often made me laugh out loud, which, for someone who doubled up in agony cos of the stitches whenever he did that, and who is just a miserable git in general, is no small feat. Another good book I read in hospital was a series of short writer's bios called
'Written Lives' by Javier Marias where you can learn such things as how Thomas Mann, author of Death In venice, (in case anyone didn't know that) was obsessed with his bowel movements and kept a journal meticulously recording them, his motions, evacuations, rumblings, strainings etc, for posterity's sake even leaving instructions it wasn't to be read until ten years a after his death. Now there was a man who took his shits very seriously. Something I did myself after the op, on account of them being so painful and all. once again probably more information than you'd care to read, which means I neatly finish this paragraph the way I started it. Good. It appeals to the OCD in me.
The kittywits are all out and about now. Most days are spent with me painting, listening to Noel Coward & Tim Buckley records, whilst they are scurrying about the place playing kitty-tag with each other, their heads several times too big for their bodies and little tails waggling about behind them. God, they are so cute, I can watch them for hours, Especially as it means I get to stop working. I can't see how I'm gonna be able to part with them, but we'll end up with a house full of five cats if we don't so guess we must. If only they were human children then I could gladly sell them on for medical experiments or something. In fact, I'd insist on it. I guess a few more days on turd-cleaning duty and I might be more up for parting with them. After they've scurried about for a bit they all go to sleep together for an hour in a big furry ball. What a life! They've provisionally been named as Werewolf, Lumi (Finnish for snow), Blackey and Tortoise. Okay enough about kittens. I'll be watching Pets win Prizes next, if I carry on like this.For anyone interested, here's an update of what they look like now.

Just one thing I've noticed about them though, is even already they all have totally different personalities,and Werewolf, for example, is very nervously sensitive and shy, yet I can say with some certainty that nothing traumatic or distressing has ever happened to him/her so far, which kind of suggests that all those years we humans spend in various kinds of psychotherapy etc, trying to find the causes of similar propensities in a traumatised childhhood etc, might just be a waste of time, and we're simply born like that to a large degree, although a troubled upbringing can certainly screw you up too, but perhaps it's not always the cause.
Well, only 3 weeks now to the Moz gigs! We mananged to get tickets for 2 of them here in Manchester, The Lowry and The Apollo; also 2 for nearby Blackburn, and 4 for Grimsby, 2 of which are no longer needed, so are now for sale at face value to anyone (fans) who wants them. Grimsby is one of the smallest venues he's doing (500 people or so) and all standing, so that might turn out to be one of the best, most intimate gigs.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is the World Cup. Call me optimistic to the point of psychotic delusion if you wish, but I really think England are going to win it. In fact, I'm certain of it! I just know. If they don't, I'll obviously now look a right cunt, presuming it's possible to notice that amidst my general propensities in that direction anyway.Okay, enough for now I'm off to clean up several kilos of cat shit.